Statement by Senator Ruben Diaz (D-Bronx) on the Resignation of New York City’s Administration for Children’s Services Commissioner Gladys Carrión, Esq.:
“We all know that the innocent often pay for the negligence of others. In this case, we see Commissioner Gladys Carrion resign from her duties as the New York City Administration for Children’s Services. Commissioner Carrion publicly wept during testimony at the New York City Council hearings this past October because she cares so much for the victims of child abuse and neglect, but no one came to her defense. Instead, she was treated like a scapegoat.
I am sad to see that Commissioner Gladys Carrión is paying for the negligence of others.
We should all be crying today because there are no plans and there is no one to see that the errors at the Administration for Children’s Services will be corrected and prevent tragedies from occurring in other families.”
For further information, please contact Senator Rev. Rubén Díaz at 718–991–3161 or 646–251–6069.