A number of Bronx tenants say they are struggling with new sets of problems since a fast-moving fire tore through their apartment building this month.
Some residents at 941 Simpson Street, Bronx, NY 10459 were able to return to their homes after the January 3, 2014 blaze, but say they are now struggling to stay warm because of a lack of heat and hot water.
[googlemaps https://maps.google.bg/maps?ie=UTF8&layer=c&sll=40.821037,-73.892747&cbp=13,293.61,,0,-15.3&cbll=40.821112,-73.892776&q=941+Simpson+Street,+Bronx,+NY+10459&hq=&hnear=941+Simpson+St,+Bronx,+New+York+10459,+United+States&t=m&panoid=mpho8Ke1zzs4SWVLfKE_3Q&source=embed&ll=40.814605,-73.892756&spn=0.022736,0.048237&z=14&output=svembed&w=562&h=350]