William Ricigliano, P.C. Is Hosting A Back To School Event At Their Bronx Office

Published on August 30, 2017, 3:34 pm
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William Ricigliano, P.C., the Bronx personal injury law firm, is hosting a back to school event on September 6, 2017 from 12:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. at their Bronx office located at 250 Brook Avenue, Bronx, NY 10454, to thank their neighbors, clients and friends for their support.

William Ricigliano, P.C. Is Hosting A Back To School Event At Their Bronx Office

William Ricigliano, P.C. Is Hosting A Back To School Event At Their Bronx Office

We will be giving away free back packs and school supplies to all children ages 5-14, as well as special gifts for their parents. Music will be provided by Stylistic DJ. Please come out for a day of fun and help us kick off the school year in style!

Our law firm specializes in personal injury, including wrongful death, head injuries, workers compensation, disability, car accidents, medical malpractice, construction accidents, slip and fall and nursing home cases.  We are proud to have represented the Bronx community since opening our office in 2013.

For further information, please contact William Ricigliano at 2127255755 or 9173690410 or by e-mail at wricigliano@wresq.com. You could also visit our website here.

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