Shawntá Pulliam Rising From Breakdown To Breakthrough

Published on January 22, 2017, 4:44 pm
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Morgan James’s new book release, Hell Bent Heaven Bound: One Woman’s Journey from the Drug House to the King’s House by Shawntá Pulliam recounts Pulliam’s journey from breakdown to breakthrough that led her to find the gift God had planted down inside her.

Shawntá Pulliam Rising From Breakdown To Breakthrough

Shawntá Pulliam Rising From Breakdown To Breakthrough

Shawntá Pulliam

Pulliam grew up in a neighborhood where drugs and prostitution coexisted  along side a gospel-preaching old woman named Sister Lou. Pulliam saw the futility of the life around her and knew she was destined for something more, something great. Driven by faith, she saw God open door after door of opportunity for her. This led her to founding Nurturing Hearts for at-risk girls ages ten to eighteen.

Pulliamreminds readers that God uses those parts of ourselves that are disliked the most and breathes purpose into them. Part memoir, part inspirational teaching, Hell Bent Heaven Bound is filled with valuable takeaways for people from all walks of life. Pulliam rose from her struggle with mental illness to become a life coach, inspirational speaker, founder of a non-profit Nurturing Heart’s, Inc. and now published author. As such, Hell Bent Heaven Bound is an uplifting guide for anyone looking for spiritual healing. It helps readers find purpose in their struggles and redirect that purpose back to God.

If you would like more information about this topic or to schedule an interview with Shawntá Pulliam, please email at, call 8144605954 or visit her website at


About the author

Shawntá Pulliam is a visionary, entrepreneur, motivational speaker, and life coach. She is the founder of Nurturing Heart’s, Inc., a nonprofit organization in Erie, Pennsylvania, whose mission is to provide supportive leadership and life skills that will prepare girls ages ten to eighteen for a bright and positive future. Through her organization, Shawntá Pulliam Arise, LLC, she offers inspirational speaking and life coaching services―a qualification she earned through being coached by world-renowned motivational speaker Les Brown, who gave her the nick name Shawntá the Great!


More about this title

Hell Bent Heaven Bound: One Woman’s Journey from the Drug House to the King’s House by Shawntá Pulliamwill be released by Morgan James Publishing on March 14, 2017. Hell Bent Heaven Bound — ISBN 978-1683501077 — has 150 pages and is being sold as a trade paperback for $15.99.

The book could be purchased online here.



It has been said that everything happens for a reason. This phrase is so common that many consider it a cliché. All of us have asked the age-old questions of “Why am I here?” or “Why was I created?” Some of us may have gone nearly a lifetime with these questions left buried and unanswered within us.Perhaps if we realized that we were not created for ourselves, then words like impossible and fail would not exist in our vocabulary. Take a moment to reflect on your life and consider “What if?” 

What if we were forced to look at our lives—the good, the bad, the ugly—and determine that the outcome of every experience we have ever encountered was not merely survival, but something far more valuable? What if wrapped beneath our deepest struggles are the makings of our biggest triumphs? What if our hardships produced a greatness within us that would have gone undiscovered had we not suffered and paid a price that cost us deeply?

Shawntá Pulliam came to a realization one day that she could no longer live life operating in “businessas usual” mode. She had an epiphany and concluded that she was built for more—something far greater, something bigger and better than anything she could envision for her life. Deep inside she knew she was groomed in greatness, fashioned and designed for God’s purpose!

In Hell Bent, Heaven Bound author Shawntá Pulliam offers a vivid account of her experience from childhood to the present, a journey that led her on a path of self-reflection and determination to find God’s purpose for her life. She uncovers the ways in which God allows situations to refine us and produce His abundant purpose in our lives. If you are struggling with your existence and wondering what is in store for you, look no further! This book will serve as a demonstration and testimony of a life activated by God’s purpose and plan.

Shawntá urges you to live intentionally and illustrates how experiences build and shape who we are to be rather than who we are at the moment. This book will challenge you to look ahead, beyond the fog of “here and now”. ”It will push you to uncover roadblocks within your being and honestly ask the question “What’s stopping me from accomplishing my dreams?” Get ready to function-on-purpose and discover the life of success that you were born to live! 

— Les Brown
World Renowned Motivational Speaker/Trainer/Author

Back cover synopsis

What if wrapped beneath your deepest struggles were the makings of your biggest triumphs? 

What if you truly looked at your life—the good, the bad, the ugly—and determined that the purpose of every experience was not merely survival, but something far more valuable?

What if your hardships produced a greatness within you that would have gone undiscovered had you not suffered and paid a price that cost you deeply? 

Growing up in a neighborhood where crack cocaine and prostitution coexisted alongside a gospel-preaching old woman named Sister Lou, Shawntá Pulliam saw the futility of life around her in the “hood” yet knew deep inside she was born for something more—something great even.

“Who is this Man my grandmother clings to at night as she bends her knees and closes her eyes?” she wondered as a child, repeating the prayers her grandmother taught her. Still, with a drug-addicted mother and a father behind bars, the pull of the streets and deep emotional wounding took their toll, and she easily fell in with a crowd hurtling headlong in the wrong direction.

A nervous breakdown that led to her breakthrough revived Shawntá’s faith and stirred up the gifts He had planted in her long ago. Propelled by that faith, she watched as God opened door after door for her to walk through. Following her heart-cry, she eventually founded an organization called Nurturing Hearts for at-risk girls ages ten to eighteen.

In Hell Bent, Heaven Bound, Shawntá Pulliam reminds us all that God uses the things we like least about ourselves—and breathes purpose into them. As we submit to His way of thinking through prayer, meditation, and believing His Word, we too can become the women and men He created us to be.


Video synopsis



About Morgan James Publishing

Morgan James Publishing provides entrepreneurs with the vital information, inspiration, and guidance they need to be successful. Morgan James Publishing, The Entrepreneurial Publisher™, has been recognized by Publisher’s Weekly for three years on their fast growing press list and is reported as being the future of publishing. For more information, pelase visit here.

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Celebrity Book Endorsements and Reviews:

“This book will serve as a demonstration and testimony of a life activated by God’s purpose and plan”
– Les Brown Motivational Speaker/Trainer/Author

“Hell Bent Heaven Bound Offers the reader a compass on the journey of faith, deliverance, healing, and destiny. Shawnta’ Pulliam takes you into her hearts as she relates her own sojourn of self-help and divine purpose. Prepare for a life changing transformation”
– Vickie Winans- Award Winning Gospel Artist

“An eloquent and honest account of a long slow ordeal: in Hell Bent, Heaven Bound, author Shawntá Pulliam describes a life trial experienced and shared by this brave, likeable woman, surrounded by loving hope, and a God of her understanding, her story transcends pain and loss and becomes an inspiration.”
– Debbi Dachinger, Media Personality, Syndicated Radio Host, International Bestselling Author

The book could be purchased online here.


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