How To Choose The Right Lawyer For Your Case

Published on October 12, 2023, 2:47 am
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A groupd of medical disorders, known as cerebral palsy, potentially triggered by medical malpractice and birth injuries, can involve brain and nervous system functions, including learning, hearing, seeing movement and thinking. It is caused when there is brain damage to the motor control centers. This birth injury can occur due to medical negligence by medical professionals through pregnancy, during – through natural or c-section birth – or after childbirth, or up until the child is around three years old.

There are four main types of cerebral palsy, which are spastic, ataxic, athetoid/dyskinetic and mixed. The differences between these types and the symptoms of cerebral palsy are:

  • Spastic cerebral palsy – The most common type of cerebral palsy birth injury occurs in about 80% of all cases. This type causes children to be hypertonic (have extreme muscle tension, affecting muscle tone) and they have a neuromuscular mobility impairment, caused by lesions in their central nervous systems.
  • Ataxic cerebral palsy – This is a less common birth injury and only occurs in about 10% of cases. This type of cerebral palsy can be caused by a brain injury through damage to the cerebellum. Some children will experience tremors and have hypotonia and motor skills may be affected.
  • Dyskinetic and athetoid cerebral palsy – This birth injury causes children to have difficulties holding themselves in an upright and steady position when they sit or walk. They will also often have involuntary motions. High bilirubin levels and jaundice in newborns that are not treated can cause brain injury and damage that leads to this type of cerebral palsy.
  • Mixed cerebral palsy – This birth injury occurs when a child exhibits symptoms from more than one type of cerebral palsy mentioned above.

Doctoral and medical malpractice

There are numerous complications before, during or after natural or cesarean section births that can cause fetal distress, resulting in a child’s cerebral palsy, including the lack of oxygen, trauma caused by vacuum extraction or forceps, infection and umbilical cord compression. Your baby’s brain development and medical condition need to be closely monitored during and after birth to ensure that these complications do not happen. If your baby has suffered from cerebral palsy and it was caused by medical negligence or poor medical care, you should understand your options for legal action to get the compensation from a settlement or verdict you deserve after your child’s birth and a cerebral palsy diagnosis.

Birth injury and cerebral palsy lawyers to investigate your claim

With headquarters in Chicago, the law firm of Romanucci & Blandin approaches a birth injury action as a way to provide monetary compensation and hold a culpable medical professional or institution financially accountable and responsible for the physical and emotional damages that have occurred.

Our law firm has a team of cerebral palsy attorneys and staff with years of experience with medical malpractice lawsuits and birth injury litigation. Our team includes partners who guide the process and share their deep knowledge of cerebral palsy cases and lawsuits. Each client and each situation is different, and your claim is treated with great care and respect as our team of birth injury attorneys investigates through medical records and medical experts what happened and determines the best path to justice for you.

At Romanucci & Blandin, our cerebral palsy lawyers research the most up-to-date medical negligence cases and laws and hire trained and experienced medical malpractice and birth injury case experts to work as expert witnesses and consultants on your birth injury lawsuit. We will evaluate the causes of cerebral palsy and the claim and research the relevant statute of limitations applicable to your case. Whether it is to review provider medical bills, medical malpractice laws, standard of care and other medical negligence of hospitals, medical professionals and other healthcare providers, we work to locate and utilize the best medical experts and expert witnesses across the country who are experienced in all the relevant state laws.

The Legal Team knows exactly what to do to litigate your cerebral palsy lawsuit and birth injury case. We will obtain all necessary medical records, interview witnesses, and prepare thoroughly and meticulously for your day in court for your child’s injury. Ultimately, our aim is to obtain the maximum compensation, via a settlement or verdict, possible so that you and your family can move on from this medical error and handle the medical treatment and medical expenses for your child’s cerebral palsy.

Our Birth Injury Team is proud of the work we do advocating for our clients whose lives have been changed by these types of birth injuries. The team is pleased to have secured a $35 million settlement following a three-week trial in 2023 for a girl who suffered a birth injury that resulted in cerebral palsy.

Free consultation on your medical malpractice case by Chicago-based cerebral palsy lawyers

The cerebral palsy attorneys at the law firm of Romanucci & Blandin have proven success in these types of cases. If you or a loved one has suffered a birth injury or brain damage during a child’s birth, please contact our office at, 312-626-7614 or visit here for a free evaluation of your case. There is never a fee until you are compensated for your injuries at the end of the case.

Disclaimer: The content found on this page is not legal assistance and contacting the birth injury lawyers at Romanucci & Blandin’s law office for a free consultation regarding personal injury cases and cerebral palsy claims does not constitute an attorney-client relationship. 


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