
Bronx Memoir Project Workshop – “Family Trouble: Writing About Family In Creative Nonfiction”

Published on February 14, 2019, 5:19 am
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The Bronx Memoir Project (BMP) workshop series is targeted to aspiring professionals and avocational writers of all ages.

These free professionally-led workshops build on the Bronx Council on the Arts’ success in developing first-person narratives and bringing personal stories to the fore. The goal of the program is to ensure that local voices do not go unheard and that local writers receive the professional development they need to continue publishing on their own.

The success of these memoir-writing workshops will culminate in a book release event for an anthology comprised of exclusively selected original memoir works produced during the workshop series. Noted writer and educator Crystal Valentine will coordinate the BMP workshop series.

“Family Trouble: Writing about Family in Creative Nonfiction”

Writing our lives often means writing about our families. Family is our first mirror and how we first define ourselves, and that’s why writing about them is one of the trickiest aspects of memoir writing. We cannot get away from these people and how they have shaped us, but how fair is it to put them in our stories? How does a writer handle writing about family with honesty and respect?

In this generative class, Vanessa Mártir will examine how writers have tackled writing about family and explore craft techniques that can help us in writing about the people who love us the most and have hurt us the worst.

About Vanessa Mártir

Vanessa Mártir is a NYC based writer, educator and mama. She is currently completing her memoir, A Dim Capacity for Wings, and chronicles the journey at A five-time VONA/Voices and two-time Tin House fellow, Vanessa’s work has been widely published, including in The Washington Post, Poets & Writers, The Rumpus, the VONA/Voices Anthology, Dismantle, and the NYTimes Bestselling anthology Not That Bad, edited by Roxane Gay, among others. Vanessa is the founder of the Writing Our Lives Workshop, which she teaches in NYC and online.

The workshop will take place on March 07, 2019 from 05:00 p.m. – 06:30 p.m.

The event is free, however you need to RSVP by visiting here.


NYPL | Kingsbridge
291 W. 231st Street
Bronx, NY 10463 

Tel.:     718-931-9500





Jonas Bronck is the pseudonym under which we publish and manage the content and operations of The Bronx Daily.™ | - the largest daily news publication in the borough of "the" Bronx with over 1.5 million annual readers. Publishing under the alias Jonas Bronck is our humble way of paying tribute to the person, whose name lives on in the name of our beloved borough.