You should know that before the end of the year 2020, President Trump has dressed himself like Santa Claus to bring some relief to the American people by increasing funds from $600 to $2,000 for individuals and $4,000 for couples. This will help alleviate the economic struggle caused by CoViD-19.
As you know my dear reader, CoViD-19 has caused the loss of lives, jobs, and separation from love ones, families and friends. This pandemic has caused much pain and devastation. Tragically many have been prohibited from being at the bedside of their loved ones at the time of their departure from this life. Adding salt to their wounds many have been unable to give their loved ones a proper burial.
CoViD-19, or The Chinese Virus, has not only destroyed and impacted countless American lives in the United States, but tragically it has impacted the entire globe, all nations and their peoples.
Here in America President Trump, as promised, through “Operation Warp Speed”, has not only delivered to the world one vaccine, but three to combat CoViD-19. This was made possible by the President’s initiative to eliminate governmental bureaucracy that would have taken years to develop a vaccine. By eliminating the red tape and working with, not only scientific experts but with the private sector, has ensured that these vaccines would meet the President’s goal to have them available for distribution by the end of this year. President Trump accomplished this feat while many critics mocked his deadline and said it would be impossible. But he did it!
You should also know, that to the surprise of Democrats and Republicans alike, President Trump has gone above and beyond the $600 (six-hundred dollars) that Congress had allocated. President Trump has recognized that $600 barely offers any help to suffering Americans. $600 can barely help cover the cost of a family’s utilities and rent. Therefore, the President is asking members of Congress to increase this amount to $2,000 for individuals, and $4,000 for couples. Praise be to God!
President Donald Trump, before leaving office, has taken the sword of Don Quixote, De La Mancha and is attacking all the evil that CoViD-19 has brought to America and the world. Three vaccines to fight the pandemic, $2,000 for individuals and $4,000 for couples. These are blessings from Heaven during this Christmas season. Halleujah!
This my dear readers gives us cause to shout Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, and Happy Kwanzaa to everyone. May we all have a prosperous, healthy and blessed 2021!
I am Councilmember Rev. Rubén Díaz, Sr. and this is what you should know.