Filmmaker Andreas Vingaard’s “8 Million Stories” series of video portraits of classic New Yorkers continues with its latest installment: an interview with Luis Lugo, an original member of notorious Bronx street gang, the Royal Javelins, now a NYC corrections officer and Bronx youth community outreach worker.
Lugo revisits the site of the Javelins’ club house on Vyse Avenue, not far from the famous Hoe Avenue Boys Club gang truce meeting of the early ’70s.
Seeing an old photo of the burnt out Bronx of the ’70s, Lugo says, “When I see [those images of empty lots] it bothers me now more than it did before because I thought that was the way I had to live.”
Big ups to Andreas for another enlightening episode.
[vimeo 30332877 w=600 h=337]8 Million Stories: Luis Lugo from Andreas Vingaard on Vimeo.