Local Grocers Support Maestro Cares Foundation And Ask Shoppers For Their Support

Published on November 04, 2021, 1:12 pm
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Participating Foodtowns, Freshtowns, Green Way Markets, and Brooklyn Harvests are asking customers to lend a helping hand in supporting MCF the first two weeks of November.

The Maestro Cares Foundation works to improve the quality of life of disadvantaged children and communities in the United States and Latin America. Their latest initiative and first project in New York is with the Lower Eastside Girls Club by funding the construction of a new 5,000 sq. ft., Center for Wellbeing and Happiness, for low-income families in New York City. The Center will offer free nutritional education, community dinners, parenting support groups, workshops, and onsite counseling.

From October 28 through November 11, the supermarkets – 49 and counting – will be holding a customer-based fundraising campaign with 100% of the donations benefiting the Foundation. Shoppers will be able to make a donation in the amounts of $1, $3 or $5, which will be added to their checkout receipt. Placards promoting the initiative will be placed at each checkout register as a reminder to shoppers.

Maestro Cares Foundation is a non-profit organization that was founded in 2012 by Marc Anthony and Henry Cardenas. It was brought to the attention of the Allegiance family of supermarkets by coop members John and Francia Estevez, who have been a part of Maestro Cares for over seven years. The Estevez’s have sponsored children, hosted monthly birthday parties, and supplied Easter Sunday dinners as part of their commitment to MCF’s mission. According to Francia, “this is one of the most fulfilling things we’ve done as a family.”


About Allegiance Retail Services

Allegiance Retail Services, LLC supports independent supermarkets (e.g., Foodtown, Freshtown, D’Agostino, Gristedes, Pathmark, LaBella Marketplace, Brooklyn Harvest, Market Fresh, Big Deal Food Market, Green Way Markets and Shop n Bag) for retail success by providing them with marketing, advertising, technological and merchandising support, as well as a full line of private label products, including Foodtown, Green Way and Rancher’s Legend.

For more information, please visit allegianceretailservices.com.

About Maestro Cares

Maestro Cares Foundation is a non-profit organization founded in 2012 by Marc Anthony and Henry Cardenas. The foundation aims to improve the quality of life of disadvantaged children and communities in Latin America and the United States.

Maestro Cares Foundation works to achieve its mission by creating safe and healthy environments for children to live, learn and play, while also supporting their developmental and academic needs.

Since 2012, Maestro Cares Foundation has impacted the lives of thousands of children by funding the construction of over 22 projects throughout Latin America and the United States. The foundation also promotes academic excellence through the Maestro Cares Foundation Scholarship program, which provides valuable opportunities for deserving Latino Students who demonstrate academic achievement, financial need, a desire to continue postsecondary education, and proof of prior dedication to charitable/volunteer work. Through these efforts, Maestro Cares Foundation is strengthening communities and helping children become tomorrow’s leaders.

For more information on Maestro Cares Foundation, please visit maestrocares.org.

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