Guardians Of Rescue & Urban Animal Alliance To Visit P.S. 85

Published on April 23, 2013, 7:23 pm
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Guardians of Rescue and The Urban Animal Alliance, two organizations committed to helping animals, have teamed up to give the students at Public School 85 in Bronx a presentation on compassion. The two groups will join teachers in carrying out the “Circle of Compassion” presentation, in an effort to help children learn more about having compassion for animals. The presentation will be held at the school on April 30, 2013, at 9:00 a.m.

“We are excited to be teaming up with The Urban Animal Alliance and the teachers of P.S. 085,” explains Robert Misseri, president of Guardians of Rescue, a rescue group that helps animals. “Reaching kids with a message of compassion is beneficial both to animals and to their fellow humans. The skills these students learn can be used anywhere.”

The school, which is located in the Bronx, is known as “The Great Expectations School.” They teach over 1,100 children, mainly serving the immigrant and minority population. Three second-grade teachers at the school created the “Circle of Compassion Project,” which will focus on building student awareness and sensitivity toward the needs and cares of animals and each other. The animal rescue groups will visit to take part in the presentation that will be given to three second-grade classes and eight fourth-grade classes, approximately 250 students in all. Some of the parents will also be invited to attend the presentation.

Following the presentation, all of the students who attended will receive a book, on and about animals, that they can take home with them. The books were purchased by The Fund for Public Schools for the project. The presentation will focus on building empathy and compassion for animals and others, as well as exploring ways that students can deal with conflict resolution in healthy ways.

“The Circle of Compassion project has been an excellent way for me to help my students learn to show empathy and compassion,” explains Patricia Spence, a second-grade teacher at P.S. 085. “Through this project, they are becoming more aware that animals, as well as humans, have feelings and need to be taken care of. I can always refer to the puppets and role-playing they experienced to remind them that saying ‘sorry’ and apologizing to each other are peaceful ways to resolve conflicts.”

“Congratulations to Guardians of Rescue and Urban Animal Alliance and P.S. 085 for mobilizing together to spread the message of compassion for all sentient beings,” said Russell Simmons, entertainment mogul, entrepreneur, philanthropist, and animal advocate.

About The Urban Animal Alliance
The Urban Animal Alliance is a non-profit organization that is committed to raising awareness of the plights of children and animals in urban America. To learn more, please visit here.

About Guardians of Rescue
Based in New York, Guardians of Rescue is an organization whose mission is to protect the well being of all animals. They provide aid to animals in distress, including facilitating foster programs, rehabilitation, assisting other rescue groups, and providing support to families, both military and not, who need assistance due to economic factors. To learn more about Guardians of Rescue, visit here.

About Public School 85
Known as The Great Expectations School, P.S. 85 is located in Bronx. The school serves around 1,100 immigrant and minority children from nearly 1,000 area families. The school focuses on a core curriculum that emphasizes learning through multiple intelligences.


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