You should know that next Tuesday, June 22nd New Yorkers will be voting in the Democratic Primaries to elect candidates for different positions within NYC’s municipal government.
New Yorkers will have the opportunity to select candidates for Mayor, City Comptroller, Borough President and City Council members.
It is very important that you also know that during these Primaries on Tuesday, June 22, 2021, you will also select the person who will occupy the City Council position that I will be leaving in six (6) months, given that I have decided not to seek re-election.
I want you to know that there are many candidates running to occupy the position I leave vacant at the City Council. The person you elect to represent you should be one who is committed to continuing the work and provide the services that my office provided during my trajectory as your City Council representative. Your next City Council Member should be committed to serve our elderly, youth, workers, families, and small business owners, such as those in the taxi and livery industry.
You should select a person that has the spirit and sensibility to be present during tough times and when tragedy strikes.
For this reason, and after evaluating qualities of each of these candidates, I am recommending and urging you to go out and vote. I urge you to fulfill your civic duty and responsibility. You should know that your failure NOT to vote allows a person who does not know or understand the needs of our community to fill the position I leave vacant.
This concerns me, not only as a resident of this community, but as someone who has worked and understands the needs of our district. This should concern you too. Therefore, I personally ask you to vote for City Council and choice rank #1 William Rivera and for #2 Mohamed Mujumder.
Both these candidates live in our community, both have demonstrated their struggle through their efforts to work for the betterment of our community. Both have worked by my side to ensure that the residents of our community enjoy a better quality of life, especially during the struggles we confront when we must face difficult and trying times.
Both Rivera and Mujumder have worked and fought for better education and to ensure the rights, entitlements and benefits of everyone.
Our community’s future is in your hands. Therefore, remember to vote, vote, vote this Tuesday, June 22, 2021, ranking #1 William Rivera, #2 Mohammed Mujumder for Councilmember to represent you in the 18th District in the County of the Bronx.
I am Councilmember Rev. Rubén Díaz, Sr. and this is what you should know.