Is It Congressman Joe Crowley’s Loss?

Published on September 04, 2018, 8:14 am
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You should know that on Tuesday, June 26th, when Congressman Joe Crowley lost the Democratic Primary, the biggest losers were the State and the City of New York.

It is important for you to know that Congressman Joe Crowley has been representing the residents of the 14th Congressional District, which is composed of parts of Queens and Bronx, in New York City since 1999.

His nineteen years in Congress have given him the opportunity to obtain Seniority, enabling him to hold the 4th highest leadership position in the United States House of Representatives. In the event the Democrats obtain the majority and take the House in the general elections this November, Joe Crowley was considered to be the next Speaker of the House (replacing Nancy Pelosi).

There is also the possibility that another New Yorker Senator Chuck Schumer will become the Leader in the event the Democrats become the majority in the United States Senate. Both our Senior Senator Chuck Schumer and our seasoned Congressman Joe Crowley, two New Yorkers, had the greatest opportunity to become the two most powerful legislators in our nation. This is not only because they possess Seniority, but because they have years of experience, skills and leadership to run these effective legislative bodies in the United States Congress.

No rookie can accomplish what these two seasoned, experienced legislators can accomplish. To get things accomplished in Congress, it takes more than charisma and skills. It takes much experience along with the position of Seniority. Along with these qualities comes the respect, and influence, one must possess among fellow legislators and colleagues to be effective in Congress. No rookie can ever come close to being as effective without these qualifications.

As you know my dear reader, New York State is going through a difficult period given the divisions in our present government. Unity is highly required and to accomplish this we need all the help we can get for a unified future.

It is also very important for you to know that on Tuesday June 26th, 2018 at the closing of the polls, the residents of the 14th Congressional District gave a surprise and unexpected victory to Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, over Congressman Joe Crowley.

It is important for you to know that Cortez was an unknown who ran a campaign promoting the “Socialist” philosophy and ideology. Nonetheless the residents of the district gave her 15,897 votes granting her victory over Congressman Crowley’s votes of 11,761.

With her victory Ms. Ocasio-Cortez has become the official candidate of the Democratic Party. In New York State, once you have won the Democratic Primary, you therefore are the official Democratic Candidate. The belief is that victory for the official Democrat is assured in the general elections come November. Because people vote “Democrat” no matter what.

However, you should also know that for the upcoming general elections on November 6th, Congressman Joe Crowley will appear on the ballot. Even though he is not campaigning, his name will appear as a candidateon the “Working Families Party” line. You should know that the voters of the 14th Congressional District still have a choice to make.

Given the legislative power that I see New York has lost, is cause for concern. My dream to see two New Yorkers like Senator Chuck Schumer and Congressman Joe Crowley become the two most powerful legislators in the nation has evaporated. Having them fight on behalf of our state along with New York’s Governor, and New York City’s Mayor apparently was just a dream.

That said, I wish Ms. Ocasio-Cortez the best. I sincerely hope that if and when she is elected, in time, she too may become a strong voice for the people of New York in our nation’s Capitol. I would like for her to one day acquire a leadership position in the U.S. House of Representatives that will help serve the people of New York.

I am Senator Rev. Rubén Díaz Sr. and this is what you should know.

Councilmember Rev. Rubén Díaz, Sr. was born April 22, 1943 and is a U.S. politician and minister. A member of the Democratic Party, Díaz represents the 32nd District in the New York State Senate. His constituency includes the Bronx neighborhoods of Castle Hill, Parkchester, Morrisania, Hunts Point, Melrose, Longwood, and Soundview.