On September 12, 2018, the Charter Revision Commission 2019 will a public hearing, at Lehman College, 6:00 p.m., to listen to your thoughts on what works and what does not work in our New York City government.
This is a very important hearing for our borough. The New York City Charter, established by the State Legislature in 1897, is the City’s constitution, creating the framework for our government. The Charter establishes key institutions; including City agencies such as the Department of Housing Preservation and Development, Sanitation, NYPD, 311, and more; as well as controls how we spend our tax dollars, how decisions are made about changes to our neighborhoods. The New York City Charter also dictate powers and jurisdictions of our elected officials.
Recently, the New York City Council passed a local law to create the Charter Revision Commission 2019. The Commission-which includes members appointed by the Mayor, the Speaker of the City Council, all five Borough Presidents, the Public Advocate, and the Comptroller-has a broad mandate to conduct a top-to-bottom review of the City Charter.
Most importantly, this review includes you. Members of the public are encouraged to attend Commission hearings and propose new ways to improve our City government.
So, come down to Lehman College, on September 12, 6:00 p.m., and tell us how we can improve your government.
To submit your proposals, please visit here or send an e-mail to info@charter2019.nyc.