Governor David A. Paterson announced last week $34.7 million in grants that will help expand affordable housing, revitalize New York”s Main Streets, and modernize local infrastructure. The awards, which are financed through the New York State Community Development Block Grant (NYS CDBG) and New York Main Street (NYMS) programs, are also expected to attract $48 million in additional investment to local communities.
“These grants will make a difference in urban and rural communities across New York. Neighborhood by neighborhood, block by block, the Community Development Block Grant and New York Main Street programs will further local development so that our communities thrive,” Governor Paterson said. “Improving and upgrading infrastructure, revitalizing traditional downtown business districts, and rehabilitating and renovating housing for working families will provide much-needed investment and make New York a better place to live, work and raise a family.”
The 68 NYS CDBG grants total $29.4 million for communities across the State to help address a range of development needs, including rehabilitating housing, improving and upgrading public water and sewer systems and increasing home ownership opportunities. These awards are expected to leverage an additional $18.9 million in local investment. The Division of Housing and Community Renewal (DHCR) administers the federally funded program, which makes approximately $50 million available annually to eligible communities.
The 26 NYMS awards total more than $5 million and will support eligible not-for-profit organizations engaged in local community revitalization. NYMS is administered by DHCR and seeks to assist communities in their Main Street or downtown revitalization efforts. The program provides funds to carry out local projects or programs that can effectively stimulate reinvestment in properties located within mixed-use commercial districts, neighborhoods and on New York”s historic Main Streets.
The grants announced today will help fund:
Community Revitalization – NYS CDBG grants will help communities make critical infrastructure improvements, directly benefiting more than 43,352 low and moderate income New Yorkers. NYMS funds will be used to renovate 141 building facades, beautify 22 streetscapes with trees, ornamental paving, benches and other enhancements and rehabilitate 147 commercial units.
Affordable Housing – NYS CDBG awards will rehabilitate 931 units of affordable housing, and the NYMS awards will renovate 151 units, for a total of 1,082 units. Additionally, the NYS CDBG program will provide funds for nine home ownership programs, helping 189 working families purchase their own homes.
DHCR Commissioner Deborah VanAmerongen said: “The impact that the NYS CDBG and NYMS programs make around the state is direct and noticeable. By preserving and beautifying New York’s historic buildings and downtown business districts and rehabilitating aging housing stock, we can attract the jobs people need, the housing families can afford, and leverage additional investments that reinvigorate and revitalize communities for New York”s working families.”
Both the NYS CDBG and NYMS program awards are approved by the State’s Housing Trust Fund Corporation (HTFC), which is chaired by DHCR Commissioner VanAmerongen and administered by DHCR staff. A complete list of the awards is available at the DHCR website here.