New York City Mayor Eric Adams today released the following statement marking the milestone of 1 million American lives lost to CoViD-19:
“The unfathomable loss and trauma from CoViD-19 is felt in the absences in our homes, in our workplaces, in our communities, and in every other part of our lives. This is a sobering moment for reflection, and I join the millions of New Yorkers mourning these incalculable losses. As we mark the tragic milestone of 1 million lives lost nationwide — more than 40,000 of which are in New York City alone — it is also an appropriate moment to recommit ourselves to preventing any more death from this virus, as we do our best to continue on with our lives and the city’s recovery. We have lost too much. We have come too far. And we have too many tools now available to us to give this virus an opportunity to take anything more from New Yorkers. I implore all New Yorkers to get vaccinated, to get boosted, and to continue to wear masks in public indoor settings. Together, we will remember and honor the people we have lost draw strength from one another as we move this city and this country forward.”
As a mark of respect for the memory of the 1 million American lives lost to CoViD-19 and their loved ones left behind, Mayor Adams has ordered flags at City Hall and at all other city buildings throughout the five boroughs to be lowered to half-staff. Flags will resume full staff position at sunset on Monday, May 16, 2022.