Ymani Francis Wins Scholastic Award

Published on January 25, 2010, 12:14 pm
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Bronx resident Ymani Francis ’12 was one of 14 Miss Porter’s School students recognized by the Connecticut Scholastic Art Awards program for their outstanding artistic contributions.

Ymani received an honorable mention for photography. The honorable mention recognizes works demonstrating artistic potential.

Students who enter the competition are already a select group, as they must be chosen by an art teacher at their school. Student artwork is judged by professional artists and university art faculty, who select winners of the gold portfolio, gold and silver keys and honorable mention in each of 17 media categories.

Awards will be presented at a ceremony on January 31, 2010 and an exhibit of artwork by Scholastic Art Awards winners will be on display at the Silpe Gallery at Hartford Art School (West Hartford, Conn.) until February 5, 2010. The Connecticut Scholastic Art Awards program is an affiliate of The Alliance for Young Artists and Writers, and is sponsored by the Connecticut Art Education Association.

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