For the fourth year in a row, the Public Advocate has released a list of the worst landlords in New York City.
The registry, created under former Public Advocate Bill de Blasio back in 2010, is back this year to shame 98 landlords presiding over some 6,700 leaky, drafty, rat- and roach-infested death traps scattered throughout the five boroughs.
Here are the top five, ranked by sheer number of violations:
01. Robin Shimoff, head officer, 3525 Decatur Avenue LLC, Bronx
3,352 violations in 13 buildings
02. Rawle Isaacs, head officer, 1985-1995 Creston Avenue HDFC, Bronx
3,040 violations in 14 buildings
03. Joseph Podolski, head officer, 81 Realty Company, Bronx/Manhattan
1,440 violations in five buildings
04. Bashkim Celaj, head officer, 1963 Corp, Bronx/Manhattan
1,379 violations in 10 buildings
05. Yechiel Weinberger, head officer, Washington Flats LLC, Brooklyn
1,133 violations in six buildings
Is your landlord on the list? See for yourself and browse the full list here.