The 2010 Census Road Tour Visits Bronx

Published on January 28, 2010, 11:26 pm
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On Thursday, January 28, 2010, Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr., community leaders and members of different ethnic groups welcomed the New York Region’s 2010 Census Road Tour vehicle to the Bronx.

The vehicle is visiting the borough to inform and ensure the participation of Bronx residents in the 2010 Census, which begins March 2010.

Liberty is one of 12 regional vehicles nationwide that will be traveling across the New York metropolitan area to educate communities about the 2010 Census and to encourage everyone to complete and return the census form when it arrives in March 2010. This free, entertaining tour experience will make more than 120 stops across the nation from January to April 2010.

The 2010 Census Road Tour is focusing on neighborhoods which have historically returned the lowest percentage of Census forms, and have therefore presented the greatest challenge to achieving a full and accurate count.

“We need to be sure that every single Bronxite takes part in the upcoming census. The Bronx had a low percent of participation during the last census, and it is very important to make our residents understand that if they are not counted, we will lose funding and resources that are critical for the borough’s development,” said Borough President Diaz.

Census Bureau on-site staff will help locals view a an exhibit with a giant sample census form, take pictures and interviews, record public service announcements, attain customized promotional items, and pick up educational materials about the 2010 Census. Furthermore, local Census staff and partners will be able to speak and/or provide information in the most spoken languages in the area (up to 59 languages in total) as part of the Census Bureau’s multi-lingual support program.

The 2010 Census is a count of everyone living in the United States and is mandated by the U.S. Constitution to be conducted every 10 years. Census data are used to apportion congressional seats to states; to distribute more than $400 billion in federal funds to local, state and tribal governments each year; and to make decisions about what community services to provide. The 2010 Census form will be one of the shortest in U.S. history and consists of just 10 questions, taking about 10 minutes to complete. Strict confidentiality laws protect the respondents and the information they provide.


Jonas Bronck is the pseudonym under which we publish and manage the content and operations of The Bronx Daily.™ | - the largest daily news publication in the borough of "the" Bronx with over 1.5 million annual readers. Publishing under the alias Jonas Bronck is our humble way of paying tribute to the person, whose name lives on in the name of our beloved borough.