On Friday February 3, 2012 the Thessalonia Worship Center will host a private screening for “Speedsuit,” a new independent film with a fresh take on teen bullying.
An estimated 30% of American youth today report either being bullied or engaging in bullying. Meanwhile the lasting psychological and emotional effects of bullying continue to make headlines nationwide. Allen Weaver, writer/director of “Speedsuit,” addresses this worrisome trend with a film tailor-made for a young modern audience.
Curtis Powers, the film’s bullied protagonist, is an African-American teen who escapes a relentless high school tormentor using advanced technology of his own design. Weaver hopes that “Speedsuit” which he adapted from his 2009 young adult novel „Speedsuit Powers,‟ will not only draw audiences with its S.T.E.M. (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) appeal, but spark a long overdue conversation about how best to support teens facing fear and alienation.
“I had my share of school bullies,” Weaver says. “But my toughest bully was inside me.” Having experienced these issues himself, Weaver is committed to helping young people in need. “What matters is that we each do our part to help provide solutions,” Weaver says. “So our youth can live lives focused on pursuing their dreams and making a positive impact on society.”
The February 3rd screening will be followed by a discussion with Weaver and the cast of the film. It is the first in a series of private weekend screenings of “Speedsuit” scheduled during Black History Month.
For more information about private screenings and panel discussions for Speedsuit Powers, contact Allen Weaver at 646–523–9210 or e-mail info@speedsuitpowers.com.
Schedule of February Events
Screening – Friday, February 3, 2012: Thessalonia Worship Center, Bronx, NY
Screening – Friday, February 10, 2012: Bethesda Baptist Church of New Rochelle, NY
Bullying Discussion – Saturday, February 11, 2012: The Voracious Reader, Larchmont, NY
Screening – Saturday, February 18, 2012: Agape Sabbath Day Church, Brooklyn, NY
Screening – Sunday, February 26, 2012: Fellowship Covenant Church, Bronx, NY
VIP Reception & Screening
$20, 07:00 p.m.
Movie Screening
$10, 08:30 p.m., doors open at 08:00 p.m.
For more information:
Sandra Linen-Ward
Tel.: 718-542-0828
E–mail: slward@thessaloniabaptistchurch.org
URL: ThessaloniaBaptistChurch.org