Officials Call For Revitalization Of East Tremont Park

Published on October 28, 2017, 11:57 am
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Officials are calling on the city Parks Department to revitalize part of an East Tremont park that has been vacant for nearly 50 years.

The section has been vacant since 1969, when it was the old Bronx Borough Hall.

City Councilman Ritchie Torres is urging the Parks Department to reinvest in the area with new programs or a recreation center, calling the space a blank canvas.

“I feel like this could be an opportunity to create a community space,” he says.

Anyone wishing to help out can send a proposal to the Parks Department by November 13, 2017.


Jonas Bronck is the pseudonym under which we publish and manage the content and operations of The Bronx Daily.™ | - the largest daily news publication in the borough of "the" Bronx with over 1.5 million annual readers. Publishing under the alias Jonas Bronck is our humble way of paying tribute to the person, whose name lives on in the name of our beloved borough.