This Saturday, October 15, 2011 from 9:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m., the NYC Department of City Planning will host a public charrette at Fannie Lou Hamer Freedom High School – 1021 Jennings Street, Bronx, NY 10460.
Bronx residents and anyone interested in the future of the South Bronx should plan on attending.
A public charrette is a workshop that allows citizens to get involved in the planning process by helping the City better understand the community and their visions of what the future of the community should look like.
The focus of the charrette will be to develop land use and transportation scenarios for the future of the Sheridan Expressway.
The charrette will begin at 9:30 a.m. with an overview presentation made by the city agencies to provide background on the study and establish the framework for discussion to follow during the day. The work and research builds on ideas that surfaced during the walking tours and Community Working Group discussions. Charrette attendees will break into smaller groups and join in a guided substantive planning discussion focused on land use and transportation in the neighborhoods surrounding the Sheridan Expressway and Hunts Point. Groups will reconvene at the end of the event to share their ideas. The results of the charrette will help form different land use and transportation scenarios that will be studied in more detail. Feedback and comment on the scenarios will be presented for further comment in an open house setting in late 2011/early 2012. The planning process will help prioritize the land use and transportation needs of the City, local residents, business community, and broader region and plan for the area’s future.
The City wants to hear from you. It wants to know what you think is the best way to use the Sheridan and surrounding land, and the best way for getting around the South Bronx more safely and efficiently.
The city will provide breakfast, lunch and childcare for children 3 and up.
For more details, please visit the City’s website here.