Bronx Expressions: “Closing The 6 Foot Gap In 60 Seconds”

Published on May 28, 2020, 6:29 pm
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“Closing the 6 Foot Gap,” consists of performing 60 activities for 60 seconds each in a domestic environment.

By spending all this time in quarantine, our daily routines have been interrupted changing or warping our sense of time.

In trying to maintain or set new routines, what daily activities that were taken for granted before, hold more meaning now, and how do they influence our time spent? What does it mean to think about time during this unprecedented time? How do we physically perceive time and space in relationship to each other in a time of social distancing? How are our cosmic compositions and relationships changing if we are staying in place? Do simple activities around the house like turning the lights on/off, tying our shoes, filling water pitchers or sitting by the window become instances of contemplation?

To find out, please join us on June 03, 2020, between the hours of 06:00 p.m. and 07:00 p.m.

To attend, please register here.

About Francheska Alcántara

Born in 1983, Santo Domingo, an Afro-Caribbean-Latinx-queer-woman raised-by-their-grandmother and hailing from the Bronx, Francheska explores slippages in-between memories, fragmentations and longing. Their aim is to explore the specific social meaning within the realm of domestic and public life of artifacts and interactions such as: hand-washing their underwear with cuaba soap while taking a shower, setting up buckets to catch rainwater to wash their hair, and peeling plátanos with the knife that has the right sharpness to follow the platano’s curve without cutting their hand. Francheska wants to use these subjective experiences to expand our capacity for pleasure, love and intra-connection.

Francheska graduated with a MFA in Sculpture + Extended Media from Virginia Commonwealth University, a BFA in Painting from Hunter College, and a BA in Art History from Old Dominion University. Alcántara has shared their work at the Brooklyn Museum, the Bronx Museum of the Arts, the Queens Museum, La Mama Theater, Grace Exhibition Space, and BronxArtSpace.

About Bronx Council On The Arts

Founded by visionary community leaders in 1962, the Bronx Council on the Arts (BCA) is dedicated to advancing cultural equity in Bronx. From creative placemaking and arts advocacy to the provision of services for artists and arts organizations, as well as programming for children and seniors, BCA was the first organization in Bronx to focus equally on supporting local artists, serving the community, and catalyzing relationships between the two.

Since its founding, BCA has focused on the work of underrepresented groups, especially artists of color, women, and members of the LGBTQ community. We provide direct services to over 1,000 artists and 250 community-based arts groups each year, and thanks to our granting programs, we are able to touch the lives of over thousands of audience members.


Bronx Council On The Arts
2700 East Tremont Avenue
Bronx, NY 10461

Tel.: 718-931-9500

Jonas Bronck is the pseudonym under which we publish and manage the content and operations of The Bronx Daily.™ | - the largest daily news publication in the borough of "the" Bronx with over 1.5 million annual readers. Publishing under the alias Jonas Bronck is our humble way of paying tribute to the person, whose name lives on in the name of our beloved borough.