The Bronx Rising Initiative has opened applications for their Brandon Hendricks Scholarship offering $5,000 to multiple high school seniors from the Bronx that have recently been admitted to college. The money is to be used toward their education as the winners choose. Applications close May 31, 2021 and winners will be announced and honored at the Brandon Hendricks Community Event on July 07, 2021.
BRI’s Brandon Hendricks Scholarship was launched last year in honor of and in partnership with the family of a rising star from our community that was killed by senseless gun violence on June 29, 2020. Brandon was a consistent source of hope and inspiration for everyone, who knew him and had recently been accepted to college with a full scholarship – the scholarship exists to honor his memory and uplift his peers.
The only requirements for applying are that applicants be graduating seniors from the Bronx who have been accepted to college and that they complete a questionnaire which includes a written portion.
To learn more about the scholarship, please visit here.