Survivors Of Domestic Violence In Bronx Become Financially Wise

Published on January 06, 2015, 6:39 am
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Last Tuesday, Working in Support of Education (w!se) welcomed 11 residents of Bronx to the Family Justice Center on East 161st Street for the conclusion of the fall 2014 MoneyW!SE Program for Survivors of Domestic Violence.

Each attendee recently completed a semester of classes covering personal finance topics that include goal setting and budgeting, credit repair and debt management, insurance
and more.

MoneyW!SE is a program of w!se that provides a pathway for survivors of domestic violence to become
financially independent. Through the Program, w!se offers a 12-week course twice per year on personal
finance and administers the w!se Financial Literacy Certification Test – a nationally standardized exam – at the
conclusion of each course. Those passing become Certified Financially LiterateTM, a credential that
demonstrates a basic level of financial literacy, which can help survivors in their jobs and transition into the
workforce. Classes meet once a week for two hours. Food, childcare, fares for round-trip public
transportation, an incentive award for attendance are provided. Financial counseling may also be offered.
“Congratulations to all clients who completed the MoneyW!SE Program this fall, an important first step
towards a life of financial well-being”
commented Phyllis Frankfort Perillo, w!se President and CEO. “A round
of applause to the many organizations, supporters and volunteers who make this important and necessary
program possible.”

Launched by w!se in 2009 in New York City, MoneyW!SE is now offered at all four New York City Family
Justice Centers in Manhattan, Queens, Brooklyn and the Bronx in partnership with the Financial Planning
Association of New York, the New York City Mayor’s Office to Combat Domestic Violence and Sanctuary for
Families. The Program is also national in scope, available to survivors in Salt Lake City, UT and San Diego, CA.
In 2014, the program launched in Philadelphia in partnership with Women Against Abuse, the leading DV
agency in the city, with plans to expand to New Orleans in 2015.

The Allstate Foundation has generously funded the Program in New York City since its launch in 2009 and in
San Diego since 2012.

About the Allstate Foundation

Established in 1952, The Allstate Foundation is an independent, charitable organization made possible by
subsidiaries of The Allstate Corporation. Allstate and The Allstate Foundation sponsor community initiatives
to promote “safe and vital communities”; “tolerance, inclusion, and diversity”; and “economic empowerment.”
The Allstate Foundation believes in financial potential of every individual and in helping America’s families
achieve their American dream. For additional information, visit here.

About w!se

Working In Support of Education (w!se) is a New York based educational 501(c)3 nonprofit dedicated to
providing educational support services nationwide, building financial literacy and readiness for college and
careers. w!se serves urban secondary school students in low-to-moderate-income areas. Extensive
partnerships with schools and the private sector and a reputation for sustainable programs with measurable
results have made w!se a leader in education. For more information, please visit here.


Jonas Bronck is the pseudonym under which we publish and manage the content and operations of The Bronx Daily.™ | - the largest daily news publication in the borough of "the" Bronx with over 1.5 million annual readers. Publishing under the alias Jonas Bronck is our humble way of paying tribute to the person, whose name lives on in the name of our beloved borough.