A new patch of pavement has covered up a staple in the borough’s own Little Italy.
The Italian flag had sat painted in a circle on the road near East 187th Street and Arthur Avenue since the 1980s, but became worn down and full of bumps over the years.
[googlemaps https://maps.google.bg/maps?ie=UTF8&layer=c&sll=40.855603,-73.887532&cbp=13,211.02,,0,5.21&cbll=40.855637,-73.887503&q=East+187th+Street+and+Arthur+Avenue+bronx&hq=&hnear=E+187th+St+%26+Arthur+Ave,+Bronx,+New+York+10458,+United+States&t=m&panoid=wzNy4sUlcS2ORKPVUwHO4w&source=embed&ll=40.849154,-73.88752&spn=0.022724,0.051498&z=14&output=svembed&w=600&h=350]The Department of Transportation and the Belmont Business Improvement District say a new design is slated to replace the flag sometime in the future.