Start Spreading the News of the new Governor’s Council on Holocaust and Genocide Education that Highlights Support for Diverse Communities. In this effort the State Education Department of California, state representatives, and the Holocaust Museum have joined together to cut down on hate so that hate crimes can be greatly reduced.
I let those people responsible for the new “Council” that here in New York’s Big Apple that the bodegas associations and small businesses connected with the communities are very concerned about the future of the city and the violence that plagues it. I know that there are reports that crime has been reduced, but this is really a matter for all citizens and more has to be done. Stronger messaging can deliver something much better and we need much better leadership always in order to progress.
I wrote that I have the book The Bloodlands by my bed, reading about what was going on in Europe. This is a great lesson for high school students and even GED students in New York. The author writes about the Warsaw Concentration Camp which the Warsaw Ghetto became after the Jews were “liquidated” by the Nazis. Jews were sent there from Greece, France, Germany, Austria, Belgium, the Netherlands, and Hungary. Conditions were so bad there that many people asked to be sent back to Auschwitz where they would be gassed.
I also share with the governor of California and others that we know from a book entitled Hitler in Los Angeles that the Nazis were planning the take over of the United States along with the KKK and other organizations. My question to our nation is about whether or not we could have had concentration camps in America after that takeover. And applying that information into the context of today, where would those concentration camps be? New York was the Jewish capital of the United States. Even though Harlem had then reached worldwide fame for its African American community, would concentration camps have been set up all over the South or not? The Nazis were using slave labor just about everywhere they went in Europe, affecting millions of people. And did Catholics have anything to fear from a Christian population that was deeply prejudiced against Catholics. Keep in mind the theme that the Pope was going to govern America if John F. Kennedy, a Catholic, became president.
I have written about the history in the last paragraph for several years and the information about the Warsaw Concentration Camp sparked my creativity just a bit more. The big question is are New Yorkers ready, willing, and able to do more and that includes conservative Staten Island. And are Critical Race Theory opponents willing recognize more of the truths about the history of our nation? We need something better to make our nation great.