Bill To Limit Plastics Pollution Passes Codes Committee, Now Heads To Rules Committee

Published on May 19, 2021, 11:39 pm
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Assemblymember Linda B. Rosenthal (D/WF-Manhattan) announces passage of her bill A.207/S.1505, to limit plastics pollution by making plastic straws available to customers by request only statewide, out of the Codes Committee and now heads to the Rules Committee before a floor vote.

“Singe-use plastics, like straws and stirrers, provide us with a momentary convenience but wreak a lifetime of havoc on our environment,” said Assemblymember Linda B. Rosenthal. “Americans dump millions of tons of plastic into our oceans and other waterways, where it takes years to deteriorate. In the meantime, at least one million marine animals will die as a result. Reducing or eliminating plastics pollution will help preserve our environment for generations to come, and I am eager to pass my bill to make plastic straws available upon request only statewide.”

The bill requires restaurants to provide single-use plastic straws to customers only when one is explicitly requested. Restaurants will be prohibited from charging customers for a straw or inquiring about their reasons for requesting one. Under the new law, restaurants will be able to make plastic straw alternatives, such as compostable straws, available to customers so long as they have curbside collection of food waste.

The legislation, which is sponsored by Brad Hoylman in the New York State Senate, is supported by a broad coalition of environmental organizations including Beyond Plastics and Judith Enck, former Region 2 Administrator of the United States Environmental Protection Agency, NYPIRG, Environmental Advocates of New York, Riverkeeper, Sierra Club – Atlantic Chapter and League of Conservation Voters.

Assemblymember Linda B. Rosenthal is the Chair of the Committee on Social Services. She represents the 67th Assembly district, which includes the Upper West Side and Hell’s Kitchen.

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