What Are The Secrets Of Professional Horse Handicappers?

How Professional Handicappers Keep on Winning
Published on March 14, 2023, 4:37 pm
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Horse racing is a sport with a long tradition and one that has an entire legion of people surrounding it and trying to decipher every slightest hint at who the next victor might be so they could get rich off it.

Horse handicapping is a very real way for some people to make money, while it is simultaneously an empty pastime for thousands and a dangerous gamble for many others.

Today, we take a look at the secrets of actual professional horse handicappers and try to find out what separates them from the rest of the crowd and gives them the ability to actually consistently win money betting on horse races.

Come Prepared

Most people who show up at the track every week get there without having any idea what they are walking into.

Do not get us wrong, they know they are there for some races, but they have no idea who is racing, who is in form, which jockeys will be riding the horses, or much of anything else.

In fact, there are countless thousands of horse bettors who place their bets by looking at the odds alone and without doing any homework at all.

One thing to know is that, if you come unprepared, you are going to be losing money, and there isn’t really anything you can do about it.

Before you even consider going to the track, make sure you do some research, find out who is racing and when, and which horses may be getting better odds than they should. You can check out https://www.playersbest.com/ for some help with this, but there are countless other resources available as well that a real horse handicapper will use to their advantage.

Do Not Lose Your Mind

Horse handicapping can be a profitable way to gamble, but it is still gambling. If you are going to do it, you need to accept that there are going to be some days when things simply will not go your way, and you will be forced to keep your head straight and keep going.

There is nothing worse you can do as a horse handicapper than lose your mind and go on full tilt, as this will cause you to make bad bets and end up wasting your entire bankroll just chasing your losses the same way most punters do.

Instead, stick to making meaningful and reasonable decisions and make your bets with your head, not your heart. In the long run, this will prove to be a winning strategy a lot more often than not.

Forget the Superstitions

There is hardly a more superstitious bunch out there than horse bettors, but if you want to be a truly successful handicapper, you will need to let all of that go and completely rely on data and real-world information.

Superstitions have no business in any serious work, and horse handicapping is very serious, not to be mistaken with blind gambling of any sort.

In fact, you should never be concerned about anything that anyone at the track may have to say about the way you are betting, the pens you use to mark your slips, the clothes you wear to the track, or any other superstitious nonsense.

The very best way to keep on winning is to ignore all the noise and make sure you always make the bet you believe to be profitable in the long run, regardless of anything else.

Jonas Bronck is the pseudonym under which we publish and manage the content and operations of The Bronx Daily.™ | Bronx.com - the largest daily news publication in the borough of "the" Bronx with over 1.5 million annual readers. Publishing under the alias Jonas Bronck is our humble way of paying tribute to the person, whose name lives on in the name of our beloved borough.