Death in the Family
It is with sadness that the New York City Police Department announces the death of two members of our family.
Auxiliary Police Lieutenant Pierre Moise, assigned to the 71st Precinct, died on March 28, 2020 from complications due to coronavirus. Auxiliary Lieutenant Moise became an NYPD Auxiliary Police Officer on August 21, 1994.
School Safety Agent Linosee Mosley, assigned to the 111th Precinct School Safety Unit, died on April 03, 2020 from complications due to coronavirus. School Safety Agent Mosely was appointed to the NYPD on February 09, 1994.
Citywide Patrols
Officers continue to visit restaurants, bars, supermarkets, salons and public spaces to remind individuals of the ban on congregating in public spaces and to practice social distancing.
Between 08:00 a.m., Friday, April 03, 2020 and 08:00 a.m., Saturday, April 04, 2020:
- NYPD officers visited 2,489 supermarkets of which 1,285 were closed.
- NYPD officers visited 7,127 bars and restaurants of which 5,375 were closed.
- NYPD officers visited 1,275 public places of which 765 were closed.
- NYPD officers visited 3,197 personal care facilities of which 3,197 were closed.
* There were two (2) arrests and seventeen (17) summonses issued in regard to these visits.
NYPD Officers on Sick Report
On Friday, April 04, 2020, 6,698 uniformed members of the NYPD were on sick report which accounts for 18.50% of the Department’s uniformed workforce. Currently, 1,775 uniformed members and 260 civilian members tested positive for the coronavirus.
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