The Coriolis Effect, A Novel By JT

Published on January 05, 2017, 12:05 pm
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“The Coriolis Effect” is a Bronx-based crime novel and a love story that illuminates the goodness of men and the achievements of masculinity.

The Coriolis Effect, A Novel By JT

The Coriolis Effect, A Novel By JT

The Coriolis Effect, A Novel By JT

Pivotal scenes take place in Woodlawn Cemetery, The Bronx Zoo, the Botanical Gardens, City Island, Van Cortlandt, Park Pelham Bay Park, Orchard Beach and Yankee Stadium.

A retired American couple is killed and their eviscerated bodies are used to smuggle cocaine into the US.An art theft is planned to launder the drug money.The two crime rings converge—creating a perfect storm.

Meanwhile, Marco, a young man of barely 20, is struggling with the idea of being a man. He does not know how to relate to his girlfriend, and he is wallowing in regret over the lost years with his father who was blamed for a tragic car accident many years ago. Yet another perfect storm.

In the midst of these cyclones, a massive hurricane is descending on NYC, poised to strip bare the cause of that car accident fifteen years ago, and reveal the horror that was lurking beneath.

This is a story of a turbulent transition to being a man, and a man’s first time with a woman. It is a male-positive story in which the violence is extreme; the passion explicit; and the love, sublime. The respect for women is profound and the empowering of masculinity, unashamed.

It is a crime story; but it is also the story of the accomplishments of masculinity. It is a father/son reconciliation story on the importance of fathers; and it is a love story.

The novel also explains why hurricanes spin the way they do.

The novel is an homage to The Bronx.

Excerpts are found on the Facebook page here.

Reviews and ordering instructions from Amazon, Barnes and Noble and Archway, are found here.

Jonas Bronck is the pseudonym under which we publish and manage the content and operations of The Bronx Daily.™ | - the largest daily news publication in the borough of "the" Bronx with over 1.5 million annual readers. Publishing under the alias Jonas Bronck is our humble way of paying tribute to the person, whose name lives on in the name of our beloved borough.