The Buddha Play Review

Published on September 24, 2009, 4:01 pm
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The themes espoused in the play are timeless and especially timely, as we Americans now pause and consider our values, examine our place in the world, and rethink what is of importance.

The tone of the play is neither preachy nor complicated, but rather it is light and human, often touching, funny, and compelling. The play is an invitation to explore the life of this man who considered his personal journey a parable worth retelling. These stories are 2500 years old, of the oral tradition, and have persisted for good reason.

The Buddha Play began work-shopping three years ago and has steadily developed a following propelling the production to larger and larger venues. After playing in Hartford, New Haven, Pittsburgh, San Francisco, Philadelphia and most recently a sold-out six week run in Boston, the producers are pleased to announce that the show will be opening in New York City at Baruch’s 220 seat black-box theater for an eight week run.

PROGRAM: The life of the Buddha in his own words – the evolution of his thought, his triumphs, and the rarely portrayed tragedy at the end of his life.

The man we know as the Buddha lived in Northern India around 500BC and introduced the teaching known as Buddhism. Approximately 300 years after his death, an extensive oral history of the movement was written down, carried and copied throughout Asia, and this canon became the taproot of the entire Buddhist tradition. Framed in a most unusual and personal context, The Buddha Play brings to the stage these authentic texts to enact the extraordinary life of the man, start to finish.

The Buddha considered his own life a model for all our spiritual struggles saying, “He who knows me, knows the Dharma.” It’s no dry tale – The Buddha’s life stands among the great archetypal adventure stories.
For more information, newspaper and television reviews, please go here.

Detailed listings information:

“The Buddha Play”

Previews begin Thu, Sep 10th at 8pm at Baruch Performing Arts Center at Baruch College (Entrance on E. 25th St. bet. Lexington & 3rd Aves.). The show opens Sat, Sep 26th at 8pm. Performances Thursdays, Fridays, and Saturdays at 8pm, Saturday and Sunday matinees at 2pm through November 1st.

Tickets available online here or by calling 646-312-5073.

General admission is $50. Student admission is $25. The play runs 90 minutes with a 10 minute intermission.


Jonas Bronck is the pseudonym under which we publish and manage the content and operations of The Bronx Daily.™ | - the largest daily news publication in the borough of "the" Bronx with over 1.5 million annual readers. Publishing under the alias Jonas Bronck is our humble way of paying tribute to the person, whose name lives on in the name of our beloved borough.