At the Matrimonial/IAS Part 1 of the New York
Supreme Court at the Courthouse, Jefferson County,
on the 22nd day of July, 2022.
Index No. EF2022-00001330
Hon. James P. McClusky, Justice
Upon the reading of the Summons in the above-entitled action, the annexed Affidavit of the Plaintiff, Niya Sarr, sworn to on the 18th day of July, 2022, and the Supporting Affirmation of David Centeno, Esq. of David Centeno Law, PC, the attorneys for the Plaintiff herein, affirmed on the 20th day of July, 2022, and it appearing therefrom to the satisfaction of the Court that the Plaintiff has a good and meritorious case of action against the Defendant, Idy Sarr, for a divorce and that the Plaintiff has not and cannot locate the Defendant with due diligence within or outside of the State of New York and that service of the summons upon the Defendant cannot be made personally or by any other prescribed method.
Now, on motion of David Centeno Law, PC, it is
ORDERED that the service of the summons upon the Defendant, Idy Sarr, in the above-entitled action, be made by publication thereof in accordance with Section 316 of the CPLR and Section 232 of the Domestic Relations Law in one newspaper which will be in the English language, to with: Bronx Daily, published in the County of Bronx, the State of New York, once a week for three consecutive weeks, together with notice to the Defendant as to the object and nature of the action, said newspaper being designated as most likely to give notice to the Defendant, and it is further
ORDERED, that the publication of the summons with notice shall be made within thirty days after this order is granted, and it is further
ORDERED, that the summons, this order, and the papers upon which this Order is based shall be filed on or before the first day of publication,and it is further
ORDERED, that since there are no relatives or friends of the Defendant where the Defendant would probably receive mail, service of the summons with notice pursuant to Section 316 of the CPLR and mailing of the summons to the Defendant should be dispensed with.
Dated: July 12, 2022
Hon. James P. McClusky, J.S.C.