Pre-Valentine’s Day Luncheon

Published on February 08, 2024, 1:49 pm
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We, at Devil Dog Incorporated, are thrilled to announce our Pre-Valentine’s Luncheon, emceed by Theresa Kemp, also known as Mama T, and hosted at the Walnut Bus Stop. The talented chefs at Walnut Bus Stop have prepared a delectable spread for our guests, and our generous sponsors are providing gifts, prizes, desserts, photography, and live music to make this event truly special.

This luncheon is dedicated to reintroducing the public to the incredible location and cuisine of Walnut Bus Stop, which has a long history in our community. All are welcome to join us as we spread love and joy throughout the neighborhood.

Sponsors include: The Party Nail, MusArt, Evan Eugene Davis Photography, Walnut Bus Stop, EMMP, Inc., Good Tunes Radio Show, and Angie’s Cuisine.

The event will take place on Tuesday, February 13, 2024, starting at 2:00 p.m. at 881 E. 134th Street, Bronx, NY 10454.

Confirmed attendees and staff representatives include the New York City Public Advocate’s Office, the Bronx Borough President’s Office, and the Director of Business Development.

All members of the community are cordially invited to attend.

For more information, please contact Gonzalo Duran by calling 516-515-0240 or e-mailing