PharmaCannis Starts Selling Medical Cannabis In The Bronx

Published on November 07, 2016, 1:25 pm
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Medical marijuana has found its way to the Bronx. PharmaCannis is opening its Hunts Point location, the first of its kind in the Bronx and the second in New York City.

Marijuana’s legalization has been a controversial topic in recent years. Colorado has seen remarkable success in the recreational marijuana market. Colorado’s stores very easily show what products could be available to the customer. In New York, dispensaries do not have that luxury and are thoroughly involved in the patient’s medical history, keeping the taboo remedy locked away. Patient hopefuls will not see the strain prescribed to them unless they get approved. In New York, few can qualify to receive medical marijuana. Despite its legality in medical jurisdictions, patients will have to go through various obstacles just to get access to the largely contested medication. Few physicians are open to prescribing such a drug for their patients.

Medical marijuana is not covered by health insurance. Only people with severe physical ailments such as cancer, epilepsy, and other chronic ailments will be eligible. Walking through the door at PharmaCannis, the patient is immediately seen by security. Two forms of identification and their medical certification form must be produced, otherwise they will not be able to enter the facility.

A patient’s experience at PharmaCannis is not independent from the patient’s physician. Before entering PharmaCannis, the physician recommends a strain that would be best for their patient.

Any difference of opinion made by PharmaCannis’ pharmacists is heavily discussed with the doctor before giving a certain strain to the patient, despite medical marijuana not being covered by health insurance. After PharmaCannis’s pharmacist, doctor, and patient all agree on the medication, the pharmacist goes into the vault, processes the prescription, and discusses dosage.

After being given the med ication, patients are given a log to record their daily progress, pain relief, and various side effects experienced. From there, they determine whether the prescribed medication was right for the patient or needs adjusting. Patients are escorted outside after their appointment has finished.

Medical marijuana’s legality may very well change the face of medicine. Since medical marijuana’s legality is still in its infancy in New York, many other conditions and how they may benefit from this kind of me dicine are in the process of being discussed.

For example, a knee fracture injury sometimes causes pain, which is just unsupportable. While less harmful painkillers do not always help completely, some doctors may advise patients to buy Tramadol online.

Jonas Bronck is the pseudonym under which we publish and manage the content and operations of The Bronx Daily.™ | - the largest daily news publication in the borough of "the" Bronx with over 1.5 million annual readers. Publishing under the alias Jonas Bronck is our humble way of paying tribute to the person, whose name lives on in the name of our beloved borough.