New World High School Helps BBCC

Published on April 20, 2011, 3:04 pm
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Thanks to a collaboration with students at New World High School, the Bronx Bethany Community Corporation (BBCC) at 964 East 227th Street received $5000 from the Toskan Casale Foundation and Youth and Philanthropy Initiative (YPi) of Toronto, Canada recently.

“We were really delighted to work with these high school volunteers,” said Melanie Snape, manager of the food pantry. “And this grant will enable us to serve many more needy people in the Wakefield community.”
Fausto Salazar, principal of the high school, said this was a great experience for his students.  Katie Donovan, a teacher at the school, said she “could not be prouder” of her students who served as volunteers at the food pantry.  Students won the money for Bronx Bethany Community Corporation by giving a presentation on their mission and services.


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