Moms Of Ballers Organization Secures Vertimax Full Training System For Young Bronx Athletes

Published on January 12, 2021, 12:02 am
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Moms of Ballers Organization (MOB) has secured a full training system from Vertimax for its youth athletic program. Vertimax is the world’s leading vertical jump and speed training systems. Many students throughout NYC live in underserved communities and have minimal resources training. Vertimax is helping MOB close that gap; being a part of the solution in creating professional athletes.

The donation includes an entire system to train the young athletes. It trains athletes to be quicker and to jump higher; enabling them to be able to dunk. The bundle comes with 30 pieces worth over $7,000. Though the equipment is to be used year round, MOB will make the equipment available for use in the summer of 2021 due to the pandemic.

“What a blessing! This donation creates privilege for students who do not have access to know what “privilege” feels like,” said Nicole Todd, CEO, Moms of Ballers.

Darrien Eagle, Executive Sports Director at MOB, said, “This new partnership will propel Moms of Ballers into the new age of basketball training.”

MOB will offer free workouts in the Bronx, starting in the spring of this year. Follow them on Instagram and sign up via


About Moms of Ballers Organization

Moms of Ballers Organization (MOB) is an organization established to better lives in urban communities, creating opportunities for our diverse youth to become successful members of society. The organization serves young girls and boys throughout New York City and New Jersey. The mission is to help bring the crime rate down and graduation percentages up by building / opening community centers in identified communities / districts, creating a safe, inclusive learning environment that will sustain growth. We want to provide a place for children to go, children who are struggling in school, at home, or intertwined with the juvenile court system. The strategy is to keep them so busy that there’s no time to get into any harm or trouble.

For more information, please visit here.  

Jonas Bronck is the pseudonym under which we publish and manage the content and operations of The Bronx Daily.™ | - the largest daily news publication in the borough of "the" Bronx with over 1.5 million annual readers. Publishing under the alias Jonas Bronck is our humble way of paying tribute to the person, whose name lives on in the name of our beloved borough.