Look Who’s Talking About Treason

Published on November 04, 2013, 2:51 pm
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You should know that I am reading Fred Dicker’s column in today’s 11/4/13, New York Post about how New York Governor Andrew Cuomo is getting leaders of the Democratic Party together for fight against the Independent Democratic Conference (IDC) Leader Jeff Klein and his fellow IDC Members: Senator Diane Savino, Senator David Valesky and Senator David Carlucci – calling them “traitors to the Democratic Party.”

As you know, IDC Leader Senator Jeff Klein formed an alliance with the Senate Republican Party Leader, Senator Dean Skelos, where they both serve as Co-Chairs to the State Senate. They share the authority to bring and stop legislation from coming to the Floor of the Senate. They both run the Senate.

According to Fred Dicker, Governor Andrew Cuomo has pressured Members of the IDC to support him on certain issues, and since they refuse, Dicker quotes a Cuomo administration source: “He said members of Klein’s IDC would be “prime targets’’ of the governor’s attacks. The governor thinks the IDC members are most vulnerable in Democratic primaries as traitors to the Democratic Party,’’ the source continued.

You should know this is laughable. It is pure hypocrisy – and the biggest farce any leader could bring to the Democratic Party. If we really want to talk about treason and the Democratic Party, let’s talk about Governor Andrew Cuomo himself.

You should know that Governor Andrew Cuomo did everything possible from stopping the Democrats from taking control of the State Senate. We all know that it was Governor Andrew Cuomo who stopped Senator Andrea Stewart-Cousins from becoming the Leader of the New York State Senate by working behind doors to create the IDC.

Today we have a coalition of Democrats in the State Senate – something called the Independent Democratic Conference – and we can all thank Governor Andrew Cuomo for it. It was formed behind the scenes with his full support. Governor Andrew Cuomo did not want the Democrats to be in control of the State Senate, so he pushed for the formation of this coalition hoping to manipulate it – and of course, he blessed it.

And while we are on the subject who is the traitor to the Democratic Party, you should know that it was Governor Andrew Cuomo’s Budget that cut services to senior citizens, closed community service organizations, cut services to Medicaid, and hurt the poor and needy New Yorkers. He even refused to include the Dream Act in his Budget.

Governor Andrew Cuomo’s opposition to helping and supporting the most vulnerable New Yorkers goes completely against the heart of the Democratic Party. He may want to take a look in the mirror if he really wants to see who is committing treason against basic Democratic issues.

You should also know that during the last election, Governor Andrew Cuomo, the standard bearer of New York State Democratic Party, publicly supported Republicans running for State Senate. He backed GOP Senators Roy McDonald and Stephen Saland. He even backed GOP Mark Grisanti over Democrat Mike Amodeo.

You should know that while Senator Jeff Klein has just announced that he will be the major advocate of Bill de Blasio’s plan to use tax hikes on the wealthy to fund universal prekindergarten – Governor Andrew Cuomo remains opposed to taxing the rich.

My dear reader, when anyone tells me that Governor Andrew Cuomo is attacking Senator Jeff Klein and the IDC and calling them traitors, I have to say: Please, GIVE ME A BREAK!

Senator Jeff Klein looks like a hero compared to Governor Andrew Cuomo. Even though I oppose Senator Klein’s efforts to promote the Reproductive Health Act, I have to applaud him because at least he was able to grab and hold on to some of the power and protect some legislation that helps the poor and the needy – and he does not ignore the needs of minority New Yorkers.

So ladies and gentlemen, when we talk about treason and who is the real traitor, all eyes, all fingers, all arrow and all darts have to be pointed at our beloved Governor Andrew Cuomo.

This is Senator Senator Rev. Rubén Díaz and this is what you should know.


Jonas Bronck is the pseudonym under which we publish and manage the content and operations of The Bronx Daily.™ | Bronx.com - the largest daily news publication in the borough of "the" Bronx with over 1.5 million annual readers. Publishing under the alias Jonas Bronck is our humble way of paying tribute to the person, whose name lives on in the name of our beloved borough.