With so much happening to the world in 2020, it sometimes feels like we should just hide under our beds and wait until 2021 rolls around just to escape it all. However, that is not the way life works and facing problems head on is always better than running from them. As we have passed the midway point of 2020, now is as good a time as any to wish for a fresh start and to hope that the remainder of this year is better than the first.
One way to signify change for ourselves at least is to switch up our hair. This is one of the first things we notice about ourselves in the morning and a part of our bodies that we fret about the most, so it makes sense to switch it up and feel like you are different inwardly and outwardly. Here are some ways you can alter your hair for a fresh beginning to your life.
Bleaching it
For anyone with darker hair, it is always a dramatic shock to go incredibly light with the help of bleach. This can take a while if you have got longer hair, and is a bit tricky if you are completely new to the process, but it is not as hard to do at home as you might think. And in the end you will have a bold, strong look that cannot be ignored – you will almost feel like a new person! Bleached hair needs to be taken care of and maintained so that it continues to look great for several more months. From there, you also have the option to dye your hair other colors, such as red, blue, green, or whatever else you can think of. However, going the platinum look is usually enough to turn heads.
Try the undercut
Want to surprise everyone who thinks you are so straight-cut and ordinary? Show them your new undercut and look at their reaction. The undercut looks amazing with any hair length, but is especially noticeable with longer hair. While it is usually the case that people will opt for the undercut all around their head and leave the length on top, it is also trending just to have one side of your head shaved and everything else cut as normal. It is a strong punk-rock look that suits many people and ages.
Go for a buzz cut
Maybe you get a taste for an undercut and decide that you would love the rest of your hair to be incredibly short! A buzz cut is hugely liberating and also a very good option in the hotter months, plus, styling your hair is basically non-existent and you can simply rush out the door without styling products and tools slowing you down. For women especially, shaving your hair off is a sign of not caring what anyone thinks and displaying that you are happy with the way you look. If your longer hair just feels like it is bothering you, then why not try a buzz cut?
Maybe you and your friends can all try something new and feel like you can all have a fresh start while sticking together for the rest of 2020 and beyond.