Governor David A. Paterson will attend “Bronx United for a Better Count,” to encourage Bronx residents and all New Yorkers to fill out their 2010 census forms and “get counted.”
The Governor will join Secretary of State Lorraine A. Cortés-Vázquez to complete their census forms and discuss the important role that the census plays in making sure New Yorkers have the resources they need to thrive.
The event will take place on Wednesday, March 31 at 12 noon. The location is Triangle on the corner of Hunts Point Avenue and Southern Boulevard, Bronx.
Background: All United States residents are asked to complete and return their 2010 census forms before National Census Day on April 1, 2010. The Bronx has historically low participation rates, despite the importance of centennial data to the distribution of resources to communities throughout the country. The information gathered by the census helps to determine how more than $400 billion in federal funding is distributed for services like education, job training and medical assistance.
Governor Paterson has made census outreach a priority of his Administration. Last year, he signed Executive Order No. 30 to establish the New York 2010 Census Complete Count Committee, directing State and local leaders to lay the ground work for an accurate 2010 count. On December 31, 2009, he announced the award of $2 million in grants to community groups throughout the State to educate residents about the census and increase participation.