Gary Jenkins Appointed As Head Of The Human Resources Administration

Published on September 03, 2020, 9:34 pm
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Mayor de Blasio today announced the appointment of Gary Jenkins as Administrator of the Human Resources Administration (HRA), the nation’s largest social service agency. With over 30 years of experience at HRA, Jenkins will be responsible for leading agency efforts to fight poverty and income inequality. He will report to Department of Social Services Commissioner Steven Banks.

“The Human Resources Administration has been on the frontlines of the CoViD-19 pandemic fighting for our most vulnerable,” said Mayor Bill de Blasio. “In these unprecedented times, I trust that Gary will use his decades of experience at HRA to strengthen our City’s safety net and combat income inequality.”

“Our City has faced down this unprecedented threat with unprecedented action and resolve—and since the outset, HRA has been on the frontlines, with our incredible essential staff providing vital safety net services to New Yorkers in need no matter what,” said Department of Social Services Commissioner Steven Banks. “For more than three decades, Gary Jenkins has similarly served this Agency and the people of this City, with dedication, compassion, and professionalism in a range of roles, including on the ground and in leadership positions, helping families make ends meet, put food on the table, avoid eviction, prevent homelessness, and get to work. At this pivotal moment in our City’s history, when the stakes are higher than ever before, and our City is focused on ensuring a strong, equitable recovery for all, we are proud to appoint Gary to be the HRA Administrator and we know that his experience and expertise will help us build on the progress we’ve made so far. Our resolve to make a real difference in people’s lives has only deepened as our City bounces back and Gary represents the very best of New York, embodying this Agency’s commitment to always uplifting our most vulnerable neighbors. I have worked closely with Gary for many years and I look forward to continuing this partnership with Gary in his new role, as we know there is so much important work to do.”

“It is an immense honor to be appointed HRA Administrator and to be granted the enormous privilege of representing our incredible essential staff, who, day-after-day during the peak of the CoViD-19 outbreak, continued to come into work and provide vital safety net services to New Yorkers in need,” said HRA Administrator Gary Jenkins. “For more than 30 years, I have seen firsthand the importance of the services we provide to our most vulnerable neighbors – whether through putting food on a family’s table or helping a senior New Yorker avoid eviction – and I am committed to ensuring that all of our clients have access to the critical assistance that HRA provides. I assume this role with a keen awareness of the critical moment our City currently faces. And while the challenges facing New York City are apparent, I am incredibly optimistic that this Agency can help our City recover and grow in a manner that is more inclusive and equitable for all New Yorkers. I look forward to working with Mayor de Blasio, Commissioner Banks, and all of our great staff at HRA to build on the incredible progress that we have already made in advancing our Agency’s commitment to serving New Yorkers in need no matter what.”  

As First Deputy Commissioner of HRA, Jenkins directly oversaw the Homelessness Prevention Administration, Employment Services, the Office of Child Support Services, and the Fair Fares Program. In his over his 30-year tenure at HRA, Jenkins has held positions of leadership in numerous HRA program areas including the Medicaid Program and Temporary Cash Assistance and Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP).

Jenkins received a Master’s in Public Administration from Metropolitan College of New York and a Bachelor of Arts from CUNY John Jay College of Criminal Justice. He resides in Brooklyn, New York with his wife and three daughters.


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