Drunk Cop Strikes & Kills Bronx Man

Published on September 16, 2011, 9:09 am
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A police officer is facing criminal charges for allegedly driving drunk and killing a young man who was crossing the street.

Tyre Chisholm, 22, died around 4 a.m. Wednesday morning when he was on his way home from a party.

As Chisholm was crossing White Plains Road near 241st Street, he was struck by a southbound car. Police said the driver was an off-duty police officer, and he was drunk, CBS 2′s John Slattery reported.

Police said the officer, 25-year-old Luis Arnao, who stayed at the scene, had been on the force just 14 months. He was released on bond, but CBS 2 was unable to reach him at his Bronx apartment.

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Chisholm, originally from Bronx, had lived with his mother in Atlanta until a few months ago when he came back looking for a job. He hoped to become a teacher.

The victim’s mother, who just came up from Atlanta, was too distraught to talk about her son’s death. But the young man’s great aunt spoke of her grief.  “Personally, I’m hurt and I know it’s going to take some time for us to get over this,” Pearl Cox said.

Chisholm, who is survived by a twin brother, had been living on East 226th Street in the home of relatives, where a small tribute was set up by friends. “Tyre was the funniest guy I know. You know, he is full of life and he’s pretty much the most charismatic young man I ever met,” friend Jordan Jones said.  “I never lost someone so close to me, so, It’s hard,” said Darisha Rodwell, the victim’s girlfriend. The sudden loss of a promising young man is shattering to his family, especially to his mother, who now must plan a funeral.


Jonas Bronck is the pseudonym under which we publish and manage the content and operations of The Bronx Daily.™ | Bronx.com - the largest daily news publication in the borough of "the" Bronx with over 1.5 million annual readers. Publishing under the alias Jonas Bronck is our humble way of paying tribute to the person, whose name lives on in the name of our beloved borough.