A Bronx principal was removed from her job yesterday after the Department of Education released a 113-page report that identified testing fraud and transcript tampering.
According to reports, Lynn Passarella created an environment at the Theater Arts Production Company School (Tapco) where only three percent of the grades were failing. Overall the school reacted to the change with “relief,” except for those who will miss the lawless days.
Two years ago Tapco had the highest score of all schools that had progress reports, and teachers and administrators received bonuses. Passarella was principal for six years, made $145,493 annually, and seemingly kept the scam going because her subordinates were afraid of her
In a statement announcing Passarella’s removal, Chancellor Dennis Walcott said “The behavior uncovered in this report is dishonest and disgraceful, and shows a blatant disregard for principal responsibilities.” Ron Link, a teacher and administrator who has worked in Bronx for 8 years will assume the role as Tapco’s principal.