BRIO 2019 Winners

Published on June 06, 2019, 11:50 am
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The Bronx Council On The Arts is thrilled to announce over $215,000 in awards for 43 Bronx artists, thanks to the signature BRIO Awards program (Bronx Recognizes Its Own) – the only annual borough-specific award program for individual artists of $5,000 per individual, based solely on artistic excellence.

Winners complete a one-time public service activity, known as Artists for Community Enrichment (ACE), an essential component required of all BRIO recipients to be completed within a year of receiving the award. ACE provides artists with additional visibility and demonstrates to the community the wealth of artistic talent available in our borough.

BRIO 2019 Winners

Awards will be presented on June 11th at a private ceremony at the Bronx Academy of Arts and Dance (BAAD!).

Now celebrating 30 years (1989-2019), BRIO has granted over $1.5 million in direct support to 400+ artists over the past three decades, thanks to funding from the NYC Department of Cultural Affairs and the hard work of hundreds of artist-peer panelists.

To see this year’s winners and to learn more bout them, please visit here.


Bronx Academy of Arts and Dance
2474 Westchester Avenue
Bronx, NY 10461

Tel.: 718-918-2110

Jonas Bronck is the pseudonym under which we publish and manage the content and operations of The Bronx Daily.™ | - the largest daily news publication in the borough of "the" Bronx with over 1.5 million annual readers. Publishing under the alias Jonas Bronck is our humble way of paying tribute to the person, whose name lives on in the name of our beloved borough.